CPSG 5th Mega Fall Fair 2022
Canadian Pakistani Support Group Association is very excited to share to bring our signature annual event of “Fall Fair”!
This year CPSG/Maskan presents 5th Mega Fall Fair Festival- 2022 on October 2, 2022 (Sunday) at Genesis Center- 7555 Falconridge Blvd NE #10, Calgary, AB T3J 0C9
Theme of this year’s festival is “Mega food street festival and bazaar” which recognizes the incredibly diverse ways in
which our community members can connect and learn from each other. Over the years, the event
has gained popularity in the community and is attended by over 1000 Calgarians!
Registrations for Sponsors, Vendors, and Community organizations are OPEN!
Last Date of Registration: Sep 15, 2022
For more information, Call 403-971-2774 or Email: maskan.calgary@gmail.com